Synectics (AIM: SNX), a leader in the design, integration and support of advanced security and surveillance systems, was notified on 18 November 2020 that on the same day Scawton Limited, an entity associated with members of the family of Mr David Coghlan, Chairman of the Company, purchased 25,000 ordinary shares of 20 pence each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") at a price of 100 pence per share.

The Company was also notified on 18 November 2020 that on the same day David Bedford, Finance Director of the Company, purchased 5,000 Ordinary Shares at 100.1 pence per share.

Following these purchases, the interests of David Coghlan and David Bedford in Ordinary Shares are as follows:

Name Shares Held Interest in Ordinary Shares in Share Schemes Resultant Total Interest % of Issued Share Capital
David Coghlan 1,546,303 93,243 1,639,546 9.21
David Bedford 10,000 186,000 196,000 1.10

For further information, please contact:

Synectics plc
Claire Stewart, Company Secretary
Tel: +44 (0) 114 280 2828

Shore Capital
Tom Griffiths / David Coaten / Henry Willcocks
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7408 4090